Saving the lives

Training Details

  • Teacher : Dr. Shriram Sharma
  • Location : Kathmandu Nepal
  • Value :
  • Project Date : September 2, 2019
  • Project Size : 30 Person Max

Training Overview

LARC Nepal has been conducting awareness raising programs to the school children, social workers, civil society and the general public. Realizing the fact that raising awareness is not sufficient, LARC has been conducting training programs to the technical manpower, engineers, defense institutes etc. All these programs are being conducted with the support of various organizations, to name some of them are: Ministry of home affairs, govt. of Nepal, Local municipalities, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, WWF’s Hariyoban Program, Cape electric India, LI=BIRD, Franklin solutions, NAM S and T Center, India, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology etc.